Kingdom Animalia
Click to hear the call
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Charadriiformes
Family Laridae
Genus Larus
Species cachinnans
Classification Pallas, 1811
Common name yellow-legged gull
Size 58 - 68 centimeters
Wing Span 130 - 158 centimeters
Male weight 750 - 1250 grams
Female weight 750 - 1250 grams

Geographic Range it nests from the Black Sea and from the Caspian Sea to Kazakistan; it regularly visits Europe, most of all in autumn and winter. During winter it is also found in the eastern Mediterranean but some of them can even reach the Red Sea.
Physical Characteristics lower parts and the neck are white, while the back and the wings are silver grey. The beak and the paws are yellow, the tips of the wings are black. There is a red spot on the beak. The juvenile birds acquire the plumage of the adults in the fourth year of age and before that they look brown with white spots. It has no sexual dimorphism.
Behaviour it adapts easily to anthropized environments as they are rich in food.
Habitat it lives mainly on shores and rarely moves towards the inland.
Food habits it is omnivorous; it feeds on vegetable substances, on both alive and dead animals and on trash. Recently predation has started to take place in urban areas to the detriment of pigeons.
Migration in Italy it is sedentary; in winter it moves more and individuals of other populations might join the colonies.
Nidification it builds the nest with dry vegetation and it lays there from 2 to 3 eggs which are light brown-greenish and have dark spots. Nidification occurs in colonies; after an incubation of 25-27 days eggs hatch and the young disperse straightaway; after 40 days they are able to fly.

References Oiseaux.net
Ecologia urbana - Rivista per lo studio e la conservazione della biodiversità urbana
Web References http://www.oiseaux.net/
Source of the photo http://aves.desdeinter.net/
Source of the call http://www.learningalive.co.uk/

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