The School will take place in Venice in June 08-15, 2012 and will be organized around a set of three cycles of lectures of four units each and a series of topical lectures. Attendees will also be engaged in focused group work, co-ordinated by each lecturer and by appointed assistants. The objective of the group work is to foster the interaction with the lecturers and among attendees specifically toward the production of a scientific paper to be finalized through coordinated efforts after the end of the School.
Lecturers and lectures

Bridget Emmett
Bridget Emmett is Professor and Deputy Director of the Biogeochemistry Programme, Section Head and Head of Site, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology at Bangor Natural Environment Research Council.
For more information:
Topic: Spatial and temporal controls of soil function
Lecture 1: Soils: spatial and temporal patterns
Lecture 2: New understanding in soil processes
Lecture 3: Soil C processes & models
Lecture 4: Ecosystem services

Axel Kleidon
Axel Kleidon is leading the Max Planck Research Group in Biospheric Theory and Modelling, Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany.
For more information:
Topic: Thermodynamics of the Earth System
Lecture 1: Foundations and Limits
Lecture 2: Earth system processes
Lecture 3: Maximization by structure
Lecture 4: Limits to the Anthropocene
Ehud Meron
Ehud Meron is Professor of Physics at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
For more information:
Topic: Linking pattern formation and spatial ecology
Lecture 1: A glimpse into pattern formation theory
Lecture 2: Self-organized vegetation patchiness
Lexture 3: Patchiness and biodiversity: the roles of ecosystem engineers
Lexture 4: Desertification: mechanisms, warning signals and rehabilitation
Herman H. (Hank) Shugart
Hank Shugart is W.W. Corcoran Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia, and Director of the Center for Regional Environmental Studies.
For more information:
Topic: Complex Dynamics of Forest Ecosystems at Different Scales: From 100 square meters to the Global Scale
Lecture1: On the Modeling of Forest Ecosystems
- 1a. Individual-based Models of Forest Dynamics: History and Concepts
- 1b. Model Testing: Verification and Validation
Lecture 2: A Theory of Forest Dynamics
- 2a. Fine-Scale Dynamics of Forests
- 2b. Larger-Scale Dynamics of Forests
Lecture 3: On the Mosaic Nature of Forested Landscapes
- 3a. Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Landscapes
- 3b. Responses to Mosaic Landscapes to Stress
Lecture 4: Global responses to Climate Change
- 4a. The Truth as a Confederation of Lies: Robust Predictions of Climate Change Effects
- 4b. Global Scale Positive Feedbacks between Vegetation and Climate |