Didactic value of Fish farms

Fish farms represent an eco-compatible method of employment of the environmental resources.
Fish breeding is performed respecting biological time, in a place historically managed and structured, that saves original natural elements without damaging excessively neither the fishing heritage nor the environment.
Recently, though, the fixed banking of the fish farms has caused some lack of balance in the lagoon ecosystem, taking away some space from the free expansion of the free tidal wave during the high tide phenomenon.
Moreover the fish farms, like all the salt marsh environments and the lagoon beds of reeds, represent a system of self-purification and their fixed banking has deprived the lagoon of their contribution to purification.
The employment of fixed embankments and fixed floodgates has led to the interruption of the flows in the peripheral canals, causing their progressive landfill. Fish farm fishing represents continuation in a tradition linked more to natural time than to human time, rich of customs and characterized by its own language.
It’s remarkably different from current kinds of farming for at least two reasons:
· It’s an extensive farming, that is, it takes up a large area;
· It is a polycutural farming, that is, different kind of fishes are bred.
Therefore this system allows keeping some degree of biodiversity, even if it is now partially modified from the original, respecting the vocation of the environment. A comparison with the hinterland farming, characterized by excessive exploitation of the soil, with a consequent impoverishment and a need to add fertilizers in order to allow the growth of cultivated plants, could be performed.
It is possible therefore to introduce the concepts of:
· Sustainability;
· Sustainable development;
· Environmental compatibility;
· Conflict Management:
o Productivity – environmental quality
o Environmental safeguard – tradition saving
o Historical time/ biological time;

· Evolution and methods of men’s exploitation of the environment;
· Introduction of new sources of energy in the environment and consequences (fertilizers, nutrients etc.).